Bringing this one out of the archives because we can all use the reminder that LOVE is all there is.

Past Life Goals

This is my first channeled message from St. Catherine.

St Catherine of Siena St Catherine of Siena

The light shines on your face.  The light of God shines on your face. Its brightness bounces off you to all; to all around you and to all outside of the perimeter of where you are.  It shines through what you call the veil. It shines through the curtain. The light of God shines on your face.

Yes, from the beginning of time. Yes, from the very beginning.  He showed us love.  And we made up fear.  Those of us who did not believe we were worthy, made up fear.  Remember the love that you started from.  Remember the love that was given you and there will be no more fear.

For this is just the beginning.  For these are my first words.  Remember the love.  I am not that far away.  Your fear keeps me at…

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